Anti-Bribery Policy

Entaksi Solutions SpA Anti-Bribery Policy


Entaksi Solutions SpA undertakes to prevent any phenomenon of bribery, i.e. "offering, promising, giving, accepting or soliciting of an undue advantage of any value (which could be financial or non-financial), directly or indirectly, and irrespective of location(s), in violation of applicable law, as an inducement or reward for a person acting or refraining from acting in relation to the performance of that person’s duties".

The organization therefore has a Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) compliant with the UNI ISO 37001:2016 standard, which, through its controls, is able to maintain the Integrated Management System aligned to the mandatory anti-bribery regulations.

Read the complete document Anti-Bribery Management Policy.

Anti-Bribery Policy

For its Anti-Bribery Management System Entaksi has developed and adopted the following policy, deemed appropriate to the purposes of the Company:

  1. bribery is prohibited;

  2. it is prohibited to request and accept gifts, hospitality, offer of money, donations, gifts of use or similar benefits;

  3. is required compliance with laws, regulations and internal provisions adopted for preventing and combating bribery and for prohibition of pantouflage applicable to the Company;

  4. the objectives for the Anti-Bribery Management System are established and reviewed annually;

  5. the Company undertakes to meet the requirements of the Anti-Bribery Management System;

  6. the Company encourages to report, even anonymously, of alleged and actual acts of bribery, and of any violation or deficiency inherent in the management system of bribery’s prevention, to the Compliance Function or to the staff in charge, without fear of retaliation;

  7. the Company is committed to the continuous improvement of the Sistema di Gestione della Prevenzione della Corruzione;

  8. the Company undertakes to establish a Anti-Bribery Compliance Function (ABCF) for the bribery’s prevention, ensuring its authority, independence and sufficient powers;

  9. the Company has established and formalized in its internal rules the sanctions resulting from non-compliance with the Anti-bribery Policy, in compliance with the CCNL applied.


The Entaksi Compliance Function, i.e. the person responsible and authorized for the operation of the Anti-Bribery Management System, can be reached for reports of actual or alleged bribery at the email address

Reports can be sent anonymously and the Compliance Function undertakes in any case to protect the identity and data of the reporting person. The data sent are managed and archived for the time necessary for their processing, and not beyond the terms already established for the processing of personal data and fiscally relevant data.

The Compliance Function uses the mailbox exclusively, which is not accessible to other Entaksi employees.

The Compliance Function is also responsible for providing feedback to the reporting person on any activities undertaken and will proceed with the processing of the report in compliance with internal procedures.