New milestone for Entaksi Solutions SpA

04 February 2022
Subscription to the Qualified Conservatories Marketplace
Entaksi Solutions is pleased to announce to its customers the subscription to the Qualified Conservatories Marketplace, created by Agenzia dell’Italia Digitale (AgID), as service provider according to the italian regulation for the provision of IT document storage services ("Regolamento sui criteri per la fornitura dei servizi di conservazione dei documenti informatici").
Such regulation requires:
Organizational, technical and financial reliability.
High quality and safety requirements.
Qualified personnel with experience and specific skills in the sector.
Reliable and safe systems, in compliance with safety and interoperability criteria and standards.
Conformity with the technical rules foreseen by CAD (Legislative Decree No 82/2005 Code for Digital Administration, "Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale").
To guarantee the confidentiality, authenticity, non-modifiability, integrity and usability of electronic stored documents.
The marketplace is not a list or a register of conservatories.
It is a showcase where it is possible to identify
suppliers of preservation services of electronic documents in accordance with the law.
If the IT document preservation service is entrusted to subjects not present in the registered conservatories list,
it is mandatory to send the related contracts to AgID
within thirty days of signing so that the Agency can verify
the general requirements as well as quality requirements,
safety and organization.